Casawells Design is here to deliver uniquely crafted, one-of-a-kind livable luxury experiences. By looking into the past and drawing influence from masterful creations of classic works, we have been able to put a modern twist on the traditional principles of interior design. Creating beautiful interiors centered around the needs of our clients is what we do best.

Casawells Design has been able to offer clients a totally immersive experience. Whether you are hosting formal events, family gatherings or simple Sunday dinners, we are here to help you entertain in style. Inviting friends and family to enjoy your space is one of life’s greatest pleasuresThat’s why we are so passionate about helping you build a great space.

We want to help you tell your story by matching your vision with your personality, we can paint a picture of a person’s character through design that truly is unique to you and your style.





Sondra Wells, Owner


Loves to cook special meals for family and friends.

Enjoys the peace and quiet of a good book.

Appreciates a fine glass of wine.

My pets are considered family, aka the “kids”

Seeing the world is a must!

Inspiration is everywhere if you look.

Kindness is a virtue.

Operates with integrity.

Knows that God has a plan for my life.

Shopping deals are an obsession.

Knows that joy is found in gratitude.

Deeply values authenticity in people.

Believes that everything happens for a reason.

Knows that a smile is contagious.

My home? It’s elegant and beautiful.

Finds the bright side in every situation.

Has a sweet disposition

Making great memories….Priceless!



My “Kids”


“My love for interior design shows in every project I create. From my travels of the world I am always incorporating new design styles from around the globe, making each space unique to the homeowner and their families lifestyle and needs.”



